We are very proud to announce that our Principal Solicitor, Leigh Davidson has won the Australasian Lawyer 2022 Most Influential Lawyer Award in the Changemaker Category. Australasian Lawyer had the following to say regarding how nominees were selected and winners appointed: “Australasian Lawyer opened the window to nominations for its 2022 Most Influential Lawyers list on 29 March. The research team sought prospective candidates in the following categories: Changemakers – lawyers who have been leaders, innovators or catalysts for positive change in any area of the profession
  • Government/non-profits/associations
  • Business
  • Human rights, advocacy and criminal law
  • Young influencers – young lawyers aged 40 or under who have had an extraordinary impact on the profession or society
The team also welcomed nominees who did not hold a formal law qualification. Nominees were asked to detail their achievements, provide examples of their accomplishments and share their contributions to the legal profession on the nomination form. The Australasian Lawyer team then evaluated the nominations, reviewing them based on the overall impact of their contributions. The 29 lawyers who made the final list were those who delivered specific outcomes in support of their peers and the industry.
  • 34% of the Most Influential Lawyers are in the Changemakers category
  • 52% of the Most Influential Lawyers are women
  • 18 of the Most Influential Lawyers are based in NSW”
Click here to read more about what made Leigh such an influential lawyer in 2022.

Advantage Legal are experts in NSW motor accident injury claims. We offer no win no fee billing and guide you through every step of the compensation claim process. You can follow us on LinkedInFacebook & Instagram. If you’d like to know more about your NSW motor accident entitlements, take our FREE online claim assessment.  Alternatively, if you’d prefer to speak with a lawyer now, click here and book a time to consult one of our CTP motor accident compensation experts. This article is for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Any person relying on the information contained in this article does so at their own risk.

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This website has been updated to reflect changes to NSW motor accident injury scheme. These changes apply to people injured in motor accidents on or after 1 April 2023. Please note that if you were injured in a motor accident before 1 April 2023, different time limits and compensation entitlements apply to your claim. Contact our team for more information.